Am facut testul asta si pentru ca rezultatele mi-au iesit multumitoare, mai ales partea cu a ton of brain power, hop, l-am si postat.
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Just when you think you got me figured out, the season's already changing... I'm a little bit of everything all rolled into one.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Am facut testul asta si pentru ca rezultatele mi-au iesit multumitoare, mai ales partea cu a ton of brain power, hop, l-am si postat.
Your Blogging Type is Confident and Insightful |
Posted by Carmen at 6:52 PM 0 thought/s
Si atunci, ideea "Cartonasul rosu la volan" mi se pare laudabila, utila, necesara, ba chiar as incerca si..fireasca. Dar sint mai mult decat sceptica in privinta sanselor de reusita. Cu atat mai mult cu cat toate intamplarile astea nefericite, toate stirile bomba, toate evenimentele bune sau rele care ar trebui sa ne dea de gandit, au impact asupra oamenilor exact pana apare urmatoarea stire de senzatie. Si cum Romania ne surprinde mereu pentru ca nu inceteaza sa ne surprinda..soferii bucuresteni vor circula la fel de nestingheriti pe drumurile publice, vor fi la fel de multe accidente, la fel de multe victime..iar nimeni nu va mai face nimic pana ca un Teo Peter, Cristian Nemescu, Andrei Toncu si alte zeci de mii de oameni mai putin cunoscuti, sa-si piarda viata stupid si nedrept pentru ca un idiot are muschi si cai putere de aratat.
Posted by Carmen at 1:59 PM 0 thought/s
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Posted by Carmen at 1:00 PM 4 thought/s
Labels: cute, introspectie, life, personal
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Pinky and the Brain - Brainstem
Posted by Carmen at 4:04 PM 4 thought/s
Labels: cute, oldy but goody
Friday, August 11, 2006
Posted by Carmen at 6:10 PM 6 thought/s
Labels: attitude
Pink Floyd - High Hopes
The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
With friends surrounded
The dawn mist glowing
The water flowing
The endless river....
Posted by Carmen at 2:17 PM 2 thought/s
Labels: musique
Thursday, August 3, 2006
Posted by Carmen at 2:54 PM 1 thought/s
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